Sunday, 17 May 2020

Summer 2019 blog with Grandma

Monday we went to the grocery store after lunch. On Monday Devin and Kinsey had asked if they could get a rolled ice cream from the ice cream truck. Grandma promised that the next day they could. So on Tuesday, after a mighty effort at Safeway, Devin and Kinsey were in ice cream heaven.

Today is Wednesday and we had our third day of swimming lessons. Devin got to go in the deep end and Kinsey is learning how to swim well. After swimming lessons we had some delicious snacks: cherries, cheese, crackers, plums, carrots and water. Then we played at the park with our new friends! When we got home we had delicious peanut butter and honey sandwiches. The honey comes from the bees that live in Devin and Kinsey's backyard hive. We jumped on the trampoline and made a video for Mommy, Uncle Leif and Aunty Bes. Devin played her $1 recorder. Both Devin and Kinsey played their violas as well as played with Grandma's veins. The rest of the afternoon was spent using up tons of energy on Xbox games. And that's enough for today.

Now it is Thursday and we just got home from swimming again. It has been raining and the skies are grey. Last night there was a big storm and daddy thought everybody should get down to the basement but nobody went. We just froze and ate our lasagna. The wind howled, the trees blew, the rain came down in buckets and as soon as it started, it was over. Today is very cold. It feels like 0 Celsius and we're on a mountain that's snowing. Today the workers hammering out the rail tracks outside the window are not as noisy as yesterday. That noise just about drove Grandma and Kinsey and Devin cuckoo bananas.

Today is Friday, the day that Mommy comes home. Devin is feeling a bit low and not up for her swimming lesson. So she is going to sit with Grandma while Kinsey has her lesson. We forgot to mention that yesterday Devin and Kinsey washed the kitchen floor. It was a bit of a scrub to get the soap suds off but we did it. Devin also made scrambled eggs and Kinsey made the toast and buttered it. It was yummy. We lost the paragraph somehow that explains the delicious apple dessert that Devin made on Wednesday.

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