Monday, 7 September 2020

Negotiating a Career from a Different Angle

I always knew my daughters’ and son’s generation would reinvent themselves. They would not be likely to work in the same job until retirement. Indeed, they would find new ways to carve out a career path that would take many twists and turns. It looks like Mumma was right again.


My guest today is the beautiful and talented Jessica Hagel, a life I’ve loved from birth and before so you’ll understand my slight bias.


Jessica is busy raising a gorgeous daughter and son of her own, and is now birthing an idea that she's been nourishing for some time. It's interesting that our experiences are never wasted or just go away. All our twists and turns come together if we allow time to take its course. Jes is a qualified Personal Fitness Trainer. She's now able to share her passion for fitness and nutrition in video workouts, plant based recipes and lifestyle choices on social media. And her following is growing. I wish I had as many buyers—make that reviews—for my book as she has followers on instagram. It's a different world. Negotiating social media isn't the struggle for this generation that it is for mine. Each generation carves out their own trail and moves mankind forward. Feeling excited for the upcoming generations equipped with new skills, knowledge and innovative creations.

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